
PSC Pole Specification


Average permanent load

It is that of the working load which may be considered of long duration over one year.

Load factor

It is the ratio of the ultimate transverse load to the transverse load in the first crack.


It is the direction of the line bisecting the angle contained by the conduct at the pole. In the case of a strength run, this will be normal to the run of the pole. The transverse load in the first crack shall be taken as not less than the value of the working load.

Ultimate failure

The condition exists when the pole ceases to sustain the load increment owing to either cursing of concrete, snapping of the prestressing tendon, or permanent stretching of the steel in any part of the pole.

Ultimate Transverse load

The load at which failure occurs when applied at a point 600mm below the top and perpendicular to the axis of the pole along the transverse direction with the butt end of the pole planted to the required depth as intended in the design.

Working load

It is the maximum load in the transverse direction ever likely to occur, including the wind pressure on the pole. This load is assumed to be 600mm below the top, with the butt end of the pole planted to the required depth as intended in the design.

Overall length of the pole

The minimum overall length of the pole shall be 6 meters onwards, and the subsequent size shall be in steps of 0.5 meters.



The overall length of poles = +/-15mm


Cross section dimension = +/- 5mm


Uprightness or straightness = 0.5 percent